2024 Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) Conference

Proposal Submission:
Submit your proposal in
the online proposal submission form: https:

Submission Form

Please note the following sections of the proposal are required:
Presenter Information: Name, institution/organization, email, and a brief bio (up to 75
words) for each presenter. There may be one or more presenters.

Session Format

Title (up to 10 words)

Conference Topic(s): Select the topic(s) that best fit the proposal. (drop down with topics?)

Abstract (75 words). Abstracts should be in final, publishable format, errorfree, and should
not include citations. It will be included in the conference program.

Description (up to 250 words): Briefly describe your session and indicate its connection to
the conference theme/topic(s) and what each presenter, if more than one, will contribute.

For any questions, please contact Kari Moore or Mary Costello at