WISLI 2022 Participants and Alumni: Still Time to Sign up for Developing Strategies for Sustained Language Learning on 8/3

Please join us for a WISLI Student Workshop on Developing Strategies for Sustained Language Learning!

This event will be held on Wednesday, August 3rd at 3pm via Zoom and will be led by Dr. Adeola Agoke. This event is free and open to current WISLI students as well as WISLI Alumni!  Staff and Instructors and also invited to join!

Existing experience of language learners in many classroom contexts has shown consistent challenge with sustained language learning after a certain period. Building on the theory of second language acquisition and strategies for self-instructional learning, this workshop provides tools for using available learning resources and strategies for metacognitive processes to develop skill for self-instructional learning. Through an insight into performance assessment design and useful learning practices, learners can continue to make meaningful progress in their learning.  For more information and to register, go to: https://wisli.wisc.edu/wisli-student-workshop-sustained-language-learning/.

Event Flyer