WISLI Students and Instructors: Do you have suggestions for the 2021 Sounds of Summer playlist?

As we prepare to wrap up Summer 2021, WISLI would like to ask our 2021 students and instructors for music recommendations for the WISLI Sounds of Summer 2021 Spotify playlist.

Do you have a favorite song (or two) in the language you are learning/teaching this summer that you would like to share with other WISLI participants?  (The songs do not have to be from 2021).  Please send the title(s) and artist(s) to wisli@iris.wisc.edu by Friday, August 6th.

Looking for a playlist while you are preparing for finals/final projects? Here are a few suggestions, and please let us know of other playlists that would be of interest to our WISLI audiences:

WISLI Sounds of Summer 2020 playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6o6PtQgwoCQfPXEWSKMxGx

APTLI Summer 2021: Olympic Gold Playlist

APTLI 2021 Student & Staff Faves

Sounds of RFLI (Indonesian, Hindi, Urdu and Turkish)