Please see the following announcement from the International Learning Community (ILC):
Call for Applications:
Faculty Director
International Learning Community (ILC)
Residential Program
Deadline: March 31, 2021 • Tenured faculty preferred
Seeking faculty to join in the shared leadership of the International Learning Community (ILC) residential program, located in Adams Hall. Approximately 175 undergraduates will participate in the ILC in 2021-2022. The faculty director, with the assistance of a program coordinator and residence life staff, leads this diverse community that serves as a welcoming environment for both domestic and international students with a passion for international exploration. Students build a strong community with each other and with UW-Madison staff and faculty who share their interests. The faculty director is responsible for coordination of and instruction in the ILC seminar including recruitment of additional faculty fellows for multiple sections. This faculty director appointment will begin in July 2021. Preference given to candidates who can provide a three-year commitment. Salary support information is below.
About the ILC
As a partnership between the International Division and University Housing, the ILC was founded in 2002 to develop global leaders. The ILC offers students a variety of opportunities from listening to international speakers and connecting with faculty to field trips and access to a research award. The ILC living experience is ideal for students studying foreign languages, international business, political science as well as students in exchange programs, and students who are planning to study abroad, returning from study abroad, or those unable to go abroad during their college careers. In addition to the general program, the ILC is also home to eight language immersion houses that are led by faculty from the sponsoring department as well as a graduate language program coordinator.
The ILC seminar is a series of one-credit course offerings each fall and spring. The seminar is the cornerstone academic component of the learning community and residents are highly encouraged to enroll with very high participation rates in the fall. Due to the large size of the ILC, additional faculty fellows have been recruited by the faculty director to teach smaller sections and to attend the seminar dinners where the entire community comes together to enjoy an international meal with a guest speaker. The language houses offer discussion sections in the target language.
Revenue for the ILC comes from tuition dollars, University Housing auxiliary funds, the International Division, and the housing student fee. Ongoing annual support for the faculty director of 1/9 summer salary up to $10,000 will start in July 2021.
The ILC also provides salary for a 75% academic staff program coordinator, who will assist the faculty director and attend to the day-to-day administration.
ILC Faculty Director Responsibilities:
The major responsibilities of the faculty director are to:
- Actively serve as a core member of the “Leadership Team”, which leads and is responsible for the development and implementation of the ILC program. This team typically meets weekly and includes the program coordinator and residence life staff. The annual cycle includes many critically important tasks, beginning with new student recruitment and ending with yearly program evaluation.
- Develop and offer a seminar course(s) for the community each semester. These seminars serve as the foundation for the learning community experience and typically meet later in the afternoon/early evening to maximize enrollment. Recruit additional faculty fellows to offer seminar courses on unique topics.
- Supervise the program coordinator, attend to related administrative tasks including bi-weekly time reporting to the International Division and conduct an annual performance review.
- Facilitate the involvement of additional faculty and staff to enhance faculty/staff-student engagement in the community.
- Attend co-curricular signature events on a regular basis, typically in the early evening/weekends.
- Facilitate engagement/investment by key campus stakeholders (especially co-sponsoring units for funding, seminars and program coordinator appointment) in the present and future of the ILC. Often, this takes the form of a “steering committee” consisting of faculty, staff and students that meets at least semiannually.
To Apply:
Faculty who wish to be considered for this important role on campus should address materials to Guido Podestá, Vice Provost and Dean of the International Division and send materials to, by March 31, 2021. Please include:
- A CV
- A statement of interest. Please include a description of your experience working with undergraduates, your interest in leading the International Learning Community, and an explanation of how you would be successful in meeting the expectations outlined above with particular emphasis on your vision for the ILC seminar. Please limit your response to 1000 words.
Questions about the position or ILC program may be directed to:
Cindy Holzmann, Associate Director of Residence Life, or
Laura Hammond, Director of the Language Programs Office