APTLI Instructors Summer 2020

The Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Language Institute (APTLI) is hiring language instructors for summer 2020! You can view the position summary and apply at this link.

Please note that the position description for 2020 has changed from the 2019 position description, as the APTLI program has transitioned from an immersion to an intensive program. Contact the APTLI office if there are any questions.

The Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Language Institute (APTLI) is an eight-week intensive language institute that offers courses in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish languages annually from mid-June through mid-August. The 2020 APTLI program will be held from June 15 through August 7 and will be preceded by a staff orientation week from June 8-12, 2020.

Language instructors will be responsible for participating in the APTLI staff orientation week activities as well as instructor meetings throughout the eight-week program. Under the supervision of the director of the Wisconsin Intensive Summer Language Institutes (WISLI), instructors will prepare appropriate materials and deliver instruction in their assigned classes, hold office hours, and participate in teacher meetings.

More information about APTLI can be found on the APTLI website: aptli.wisc.edu.

This appointment is for summer 2020 only. There is no presumption of reappointment.